Special Offers
Unique deals & offers every single day
Fast delivery
We deliver quickly via courier and to post machines
Made With Love
Products are created with care, passion and attention to detail, with dedication and love
Secure Payment
We ensure that online transactions on the site are secure and encrypted
High Quality
The product meets the highest standards and offers exclusivity and reliable quality
Shop slime
The most popular slime
My story
Hi! My name is Sofija! I started creating this company when I was 12!
When I discovered slime, I began making it at home in my kitchen. Then my dad said that I could start my own company and sell slime! I thought he was joking, but he wasn’t! So from that day on, I never stopped creating slime, and now I am 13 and finally have my shop!
Make your dreams come true
I hope this business grows and that I can inspire more people to chase their dreams and do what they love, no matter what!